Carpenter and Project Manager
Johan is the carpenter that prefers taking the boat to work and that prioritizes people over unhealthy products.

To be able to go by boat to work, preferably in the Stockholm archipelago or the High coast, and renovate or build a new house in an archipelago environment is Johan's dream assignment. There must be order and order in the workplace and the work team must be welded together so that everyone knows what to do and the work flows.

In his spare time, there are a lot of outdoor activities that apply. And it is the seasons that determine whether it is hunting or fishing that counts. In the winter, Johan also rides a scooter and when the sun starts to warm up in the spring, a lot of sausages are grilled over an open fire.

In the earmuffs, music is played all day, as long as it is peppery and makes Johan happy. But probably music can not make him put up with mess and disorder on the construction site. That together with poor quality products makes him annoyed.
For Johan, it is obvious to build with non-toxic materials where the person performing the work is given priority over cheap and unhealthy products.
Johan works at Brantkusten - check out their Instagram.